The Midwest!

July 3, 2008

Do you know how I know we are in the Midwest? It’s not because things are green again, and it’s not because there are lots of big trees and woods scattered about, and it’s not because we are in Iowa, and it’s not because someone named this section of the country the mid-west, and it’s not because things look so familiar to me that I feel right at home. Nooooooooo, it’s because of that never ending, never get used to HUMIDITY! As soon as we entered this state, Wham! the humidity hit and immediately, you knew where you were without even thinking about it – and that this heavy feeling will now be with us across the rest of the U.S! Just coming off the sunny, cloudless, DRY climate forever, it was somewhat of a shock when the humidity thing happened. Welcome home gang.

We are in a nice, little town called Storm Lake. It does have a small lake and my guess, it’s quite a tourist area. Today, Thursday, we are riding to Fort Dodge where we will spend the 4th as a rest day. We were told that they have great fireworks. We’re also hoping they have a parade that morning as well.

I have decided one thing though on this trip. I will not make “driving” my second career. When this trip is over with, I just might take up biking too! Let me tell you, the ole Bubmobile and I are now one…….we are inseparable. I can get in and out of places along some of the most desolate highways that shouldn’t, no, really can’t be done with a car. (It’s ok Rob. No major dents)! It’s my buddy and if any of the bikers dare to treat it discourteously, I can get rather upset. It’s not healthy, I know, but when you’re in that thing day in and day out, from sunrise to sunset, strange things happen to you. Dear friends, I’ll need all the help I can get when I get back. Be ready!

We’re now 1/2 way home so it’s all downhill from here. Take care everyone – love your notes. Again, if you want them posted, you have to click on comments (at the end of each blog we write) and we will post it for you. Talk to you soon.

  1. Preston Said,

    Wow — halfway already?! CONGRATULATIONS!! As they say, “it’s all downhill from here!”

    It seems like just last week that you started the trip. Thanks for keeping the blog up-to-date with your excellent descriptions and observations. I’m enjoying seeing the trip through your collective eyes!

  2. Anne Said,

    Jean and Dan,
    I read your holiday posts! Wow, you are fun to read! Jean and her bubmobile, Dan and his reflections.
    I am happy you have not run into rain/flood related problems. You guys just missed that flooding.
    But I think that was more in the southern part of the state of Iowa.
    Back “home” again in Indiana (as you used to call it!) we are having beautiful weather. Now, right here in Benton County, we too have windmills! Not many yet- but 1,000 are promised! Energy, however, is not staying local. Yet, I’m glad to see ANYTHING put up that helps the environment, instead of hurts it (like those hog farms you saw.) I’m glad you guys are ENJOYING the countryside, your time with family, and also glad you are having a safe trip. My thoughts are with you!

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